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The M232 pan and tilt thermal imager is one of FLIR’s smallest marine thermal imagers. The resolution of M232 is 320 × 240, which improves safety by displaying ships and obstacles at night. Enjoy 360-degree viewing while in progress. Combine M232 with Raymarine Axiom MFD and use FLIR ClearCruise intelligent thermal analysis. When "non-aqueous" objects (such as boats, obstacles, navigation markers) appear in the scene, ClearCruise will provide audible and visual alerts. This enhances the overall situational awareness of the rower, whether it is day or night.


Navigation is safer

M232 can help you observe bridges, piers, buoys and other ships day and night to improve navigation and safety. Compared with using spotlights and radar alone, M232 can also help rowers find people in the water faster.

Excellent thermal imaging effect

M232 has a complete 320x240 resolution for optimal horizon viewing and 4x continuous electronic zoom

Easy to install on any vessel

The M232's compact and lightweight design combined with IP video connectivity allows for easy installation and integration with multiple MFDs.